How To Give Interview Feedback (8 Examples, 11 Phrases & Free Template)

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Interview feedback is a powerful tool for candidates and employers. When you offer constructive feedback, talent is 4 times more likely to consider your company for a future opportunity. Valuable insights into a candidate’s performance, strengths, and areas for improvement allow them to reflect, grow, and refine their interview skills.

For employers, interview feedback helps make the right hiring decisions. It promotes candidate development and enhances the candidate experience. It also makes your company look good! A strong employer brand helps to attract the best talent as your next new hire and inspires existing employees.

We’ll take a closer look at best practices regarding interview feedback and provide a free interview feedback template for you to download.

What is interview feedback?

Whether or not a candidate ends up working for your organization, a positive interview experience will make a lasting impression. A positive encounter with your company throughout the hiring process. This leads to great word-of-mouth referrals and a good experience for candidates.

In fact, 52% of candidates who are given job-related feedback after an interview say they are likely to maintain a relationship with the company. Talking to candidates about their strengths and where they can improve and offering useful advice not only improves the candidate’s experience but is also valuable and may enhance their interview skills. Yet, while close to 95% of talent wants to receive interview feedback, 41% claim they never have.

Why should an HR professional care about providing interview feedback? Because it not only helps the candidate’s future job search, it can be a good PR opportunity for your organization in an age of social media.

It also helps hiring managers make informed decisions about candidates and promotes fairness and transparency in the hiring process. Effective interview feedback is specific, actionable, and delivered with respect. It can also lead to a better-equipped talent pool.

How to give candidate interview feedback

How To Give Candidate Interview Feedback

What not to do in interview feedback: 5 Tips

  1. Be overly critical or negative: Avoid being excessively harsh or focusing solely on the candidate’s shortcomings. Feedback should be balanced, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement.
  2. Make it personal: Focus on the candidate’s performance and qualifications rather than making personal judgments or comments unrelated to their professional abilities.
  3. Provide vague or general feedback: Avoid offering vague or ambiguous feedback that doesn’t provide examples or actionable suggestions. Be specific about what the candidate did well and where they can improve.
  4. Disregard the candidate’s feelings: Be mindful of your feedback’s impact on the candidate’s emotions. Deliver feedback with empathy and remember that they have invested time and effort into the process.
  5. Delay or withholding feedback: Timeliness is crucial when providing interview feedback. Avoid delays or withholding feedback for an extended period. Candidates value prompt feedback to help them understand their performance and make improvements.

8 interview feedback examples

There are a variety of interview feedback examples that hiring managers and recruiters can use to give feedback to job seekers. Some examples include providing feedback for unsuccessful candidates and technical interview feedback.

For successful candidates, positive feedback can be highly motivating and provide a sense of accomplishment. Constructive feedback can also be valuable, helping candidates improve their skills and perform better in future interviews. So whether you’re a recruiter or a hiring manager, remember to take the time to provide clear and helpful feedback to all candidates, as it can make all the difference for their career trajectory.

The next section provides some examples of interview feedback to help you give your own.

Constructive interview feedback examples

Example #1: Constructive interview feedback

“During the interview, your responses were well-thought-out and showed a strong understanding of the industry. However, it would be beneficial to provide more specific examples from your past experiences to illustrate your skills and achievements.”

This feedback is specific and actionable. It highlights the candidate’s strong understanding of the industry but suggests that providing more salient examples would be an improvement.

Example #2: Constructive interview feedback

“You demonstrated excellent communication skills and a positive attitude throughout the interview. To enhance your application, I suggest gaining more experience in project management, as that was an area where you expressed a desire to grow.”

This acknowledges the candidate’s exceptional communication skills and positive attitude. It also provides constructive feedback by recommending they gain more experience to boost their chances. There’s a clear suggestion for growth and improvement.

Positive interview feedback examples

Example #3: Positive interview feedback

“You demonstrated excellent problem-solving skills and a strong analytical mindset. Your ability to break down complex scenarios and provide well-thought-out solutions was impressive. Your clear communication style and ability to articulate your thoughts made it easy to understand your ideas. This valuable asset would contribute to our team’s problem-solving capabilities.”

This highlights their skills and abilities and further reinforces their strengths. The feedback also connects the candidate’s abilities to the team’s needs, pointing out the value they would bring to overall problem-solving capabilities.

Example #4: Positive interview feedback

“Your enthusiasm for the role and passion for the industry was evident. Your knowledge of our company and your thoughtful questions show that you did your research. Your ability to adapt and think on your feet when faced with unexpected questions demonstrated your quick thinking and adaptability, and your positive attitude would make you a valuable addition to our team.”

This highlights multiple valuable qualities and aligns the candidate with the needs and culture of the organization. It acknowledges that they are genuinely interested and invested. Mentioning their knowledge of the company recognizes their preparation.

Examples of interview feedback for unsuccessful candidates

Example #5: Unsuccessful candidates

“Thank you for taking the time to interview with us. While your technical knowledge and experience were impressive, we ultimately decided to proceed with another candidate whose skills and qualifications aligned more closely with the role’s requirements. We appreciate your preparation and the thoughtful examples you shared during the interview. We encourage you to continue building your expertise and wish you the best in your job search.”

This is a clear and concise explanation for the candidate’s non-selection that recognizes their positive qualities and strengths. It explains why the decision was made, indicating a transparent and fair selection process. It encourages the candidate to continue developing their skills and expertise. It’s respectful, informative, and encourages the candidate’s future endeavors.

Example #6: Unsuccessful candidates

“We appreciate your interest in our organization and your effort in the interview process. Your enthusiasm was evident throughout the conversation. However, we have decided to move forward with a candidate whose background and experience more closely match our current needs. Your positive attitude will undoubtedly work in your favor. Thank you for your time and we wish you the best.”

This acknowledges the candidate’s efforts and their interest in the organization. It highlights their positive qualities. Explaining that the decision was based on the match between the selected candidate and the organization’s needs provides a clear reason for the outcome. It’s encouraging and shows respect and gratitude.

Technical interview feedback examples

Example #7: Technical interview feedback

“Your technical expertise and problem-solving abilities were highly impressive. Your understanding of engineering principles and your ability to apply them to real-world scenarios is what we’re looking for. Your insightful approach to complex challenges demonstrated your analytical thinking and attention to detail. You communicate your ideas and solutions well. Your strong engineering background makes you a valuable candidate, and we’re excited about the potential you bring to our team.”

This highlights positive qualities and accomplishments and acknowledges the candidate’s expertise. It recognizes their critical thinking skills, attention to detail, and communication skills, and reinforces their suitability for the role.

Example #8: Technical interview feedback

“Your technical knowledge and problem-solving skills are evident. You demonstrated a deep understanding of the programming languages and frameworks relevant to the role and clearly articulated complex technical concepts. We noted a few areas where further development would be beneficial, particularly in database management and optimization. We encourage you to expand your knowledge in these areas. Generally, you have great potential, and we appreciate your time and effort.”

This acknowledges the candidate’s strengths and provides constructive feedback. Mentioning their understanding of programming languages and technical concepts recognizes their expertise. It also offers actionable suggestions for improvement. The tone is positive, and the feedback is balanced and supportive.

11 interview feedback phrases to use

Providing feedback after interviews can be a tricky and delicate process for recruiters and hiring managers. But with the right interview feedback phrases, it can also be a rewarding experience for both the interviewer and the interviewee.

Whether you’re providing feedback on communication skills, interpersonal skills, qualifications, experience, or industry knowledge, having a bank of phrases at your disposal can help make the conversation more productive and constructive.

Positive interview feedback phrases

Interview feedback typeInterview feedback phrase
1. Interview feedback on technical expertiseYour technical knowledge and expertise were outstanding. You demonstrated a deep understanding of the subject and provided insightful responses.
2. Interview feedback on communication skillsYour communication skills were exceptional. You articulated your thoughts clearly, making it easy to understand your ideas.
3. Interview feedback on industry knowledge“Your enthusiasm for the industry was evident. Your communication skills, and your ability to connect your experiences to the role, made for a compelling conversation.”
4. Interview feedback on interpersonal skills“Your interpersonal skills and ability to collaborate were evident. Your positive attitude and the rapport you had with the interviewers and other team members showed your potential to thrive in our environment.”
5. Interview feedback on company knowledge“Your understanding of our values and goals, and the questions you posed, made it clear that your research was thorough and that you are genuinely interested in the position. It’s clear that you have the potential to make a valuable contribution to our team.”
6. Interview feedback adaptability“You think quickly when faced with unexpected challenges. Your ability to remain composed and problem-solve in high-pressure situations is an asset that would benefit our organization.”

Unsuccessful interview feedback phrases

Interview feedback type
Interview feedback phrase
7. Interview feedback on qualifications“We recognize your impressive skills and qualifications, but we believe you may be overqualified for this position. We are seeking a candidate whose experience closely matches the role’s requirements and level of responsibility.”
8. Interview feedback on experience“Your lack of sufficient experience in this specific field was evident, and we felt that it would be challenging for you to quickly adapt to the role’s requirements.”
9. Interview feedback on communication skills“We found your communication skills to be inadequate for effective collaboration and conveying ideas clearly, both of which are key to the role.
10. Interview feedback on industry knowledge“Your responses to situational questions lacked the depth we were seeking, indicating a limited understanding of the industry and its challenges.”
11. Interview feedback on confidence“We observed a lack of confidence in your problem-solving abilities, as you struggled to provide comprehensive and logical solutions to the technical challenges presented.”

Interview feedback email samples

The interview feedback email is an essential element of any recruitment process. It is the recruiter’s way of providing feedback to the candidates who have gone through the interview process, and it can serve as a tool for improvement feedback and employer branding.

The feedback email should be concise and constructive, reflecting positively on the company’s organizational culture and the recruiting team. An engaging, well-crafted feedback email makes a powerful impression on candidates and can help them prepare better for their next interview.

As the HR department, it is important to put in the effort to craft feedback that is specific to the candidate, highlights strengths, and suggests areas for improvement while also being professional, courteous, and supportive.

We’ve provided you with two interview email samples to help you craft an effective email.

1. Positive interview feedback email

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for your time and participation in the recent interview for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. Your interview performance was outstanding, and I wanted to share some positive feedback.

Throughout the interview, your qualities and skills were obvious and aligned perfectly with our requirements for the role. Your technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and experience in [relevant field/industry] were impressive.

How you articulated your ideas and provided insightful solutions demonstrated your analytical thinking and communication skills.

Moreover, your passion for the [industry/company/field] was evident when we began the interview. Your understanding of our company’s values and goals and your thoughtful questions showed your genuine interest in our organization and your desire to make a meaningful impact.

Thank you for your positive attitude. You left a lasting impression on our team, and we are genuinely excited about the potential you bring.

While we still have a few more steps in the hiring process, you should know that we admired your exceptional performance during the interview, and you are a strong candidate for the position.

We will be in touch shortly with further updates on the next steps..

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Company Name]

2. Unsuccessful interview feedback email

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview with us for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in our organization.

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we have decided to proceed with another candidate. We understand that this may be disappointing, but we want to assure you that our decision was based on a thorough evaluation of the applicants’ qualifications and their alignment with our specific needs.

Please note that our decision was not a reflection of your skills or potential. We were impressed by your [mention specific strengths or achievements observed during the interview.

We genuinely appreciate the time and effort you invested in the process. Your skills and qualifications are commendable, and we encourage you to pursue opportunities that align with your career goals.

We will keep your information in our candidate pool for future openings that may better fit your profile.

We wish you the best of luck in your job search and trust that you will find a rewarding opportunity,


[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]

[Company Name]

How to document interview feedback for your hiring team

Documenting interview feedback maintains consistency, fairness, and transparency in the hiring process for you and your team.

  1. Use a feedback template: A standardized interview feedback template, as the one you can download below, provides a structured framework for capturing feedback on specific criteria, so that you can compare and analyze candidates objectively.
  2. Manage correspondence: An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) allows you to store all interview-related correspondence and documentation in one centralized system. Feedback, interview notes, and other information is accessible and can be referred to when making hiring decisions.
  3. Focus on the defined criteria: Document feedback that specifically relates to how well candidates meet or exceed your criteria. This aligns feedback with the intended evaluation metrics.
  4. Timely documentation: Document interview feedback promptly after each interview. This maintains accuracy and ensures that feedback is fresh in your minds.
  5. Maintain consistency: Ensure that all interviewers follow the same process and are consistent when providing feedback. This enables meaningful comparisons between candidates.

Interview feedback template

An interview feedback template provides a standardized format for interviewers to record their observations, assess key competencies, and offer constructive feedback on a candidate’s performance in an interview.

A preview of an interview feedback template.

The primary purpose of the template is to ensure that all interviewers use a consistent approach in their evaluations, leading to fairer and more objective hiring decisions. Additionally, a well-crafted feedback template supports interviewers in providing clear and actionable feedback to candidates, which can be invaluable for their professional development.

Key takeaways