Modern Marvels - Assembly Lines

Video Worksheet – Modern Marvels: The Assembly Line

Answer the questions below as you watch the video “Modern Marvels: The Assembly Line.”

  1. According to Bob Casey, curator of the Henry Ford Museum, whadevelopment of the 20thcentury? t is the most significant technological ______The assembly line _________________________________
  2. Complete the quote: “Nearly everything we use, we would not ha___quantities_____________________ we have it, and at the prices________________ we have it, withoutve it in the the assembly line.” - Bob Casey
  3. What does the narrator mean by “work in motion?” The workmoving to the work.________________________________________ moves to the person rather than the person
  4. What was the assembly line originally about the need for? ______To move work faster
  5. In what industry did the idea of “work in motion” originate? Meat industry_______________________________
  6. Who was the car inventor that first experimented with ass__________Ford________________ embly lines? ______Henry
  7. What were Henry Ford’s goals in implementing assembly lineof the car down but keep the quality high. As well as keep the pros at the Ford Motor Company? Drive the priceduction volume up._______
  1. What did labor efficiency expert Frederick Spoede Taylor beliprocess? eve about human intelligence in the production _________That it was a hindrance to the process of production
  1. Describe Taylor’s process for speeding up work: Break dowthat required little to no experience. This would speed up n a job into smaller tasks, providing low skilled jobs production.______________________________________________
  1. How long did it take one man to build a Ford Model-T car befor_________________ e the assembly line? __728 hours
  2. How long did it take with the assembly line? ____90 minutes _________________________________
  3. How many cars did Ford’s factory produce in 1912? 82,0__267,000______________ 00_________ In 1914?
  4. As a result, the price of a Model-T dropped from $600__________ to $490_________
  5. Why did workers hate the assembly line? _______because i_________________________________________________t was boring and repetitive
  6. Who replaced highly skilled workers on assembly lines? lo______________________________________ wer paid unskilled workers
  7. Since people did not want to do these low-skilled, boring jobs, what was the “bait” needed to keep people working these jobs? ________increased wages _________________________________________
  8. In what two (2) ways did Henry Ford respond to workers leaving his factories? a. doubled the wage to $5 a day_________________________________________________ b. ____________shortened the work hours from 9 to 8
  9. What did the wage increase for factory workers allow them to do? ___buy the they were building
  10. Roosevelt Ford (no relation to Henry) is shown in the video asthis significant? a skilled tradesman in the Ford factory. Why was

_____________Becuase he inspired four generations of his familline._____________________________________________________________y to work on the assembly

  1. In 1929, what was the rate at which cars came off the line? ___1 every 10 seconds
  2. By the late 1920s, what percentage of the world’s goods was produced in America thanks to the assembly line? 43%______________________
  3. What did Ford’s (and others’) mass-production require to maximize profits and minimize costs? mass consumption________________________
  4. What are two goods that used to be only for upper-class people that assembly lines made available to everyone? ____radios __________________________, ___phonographs ___________________________
  5. In 1927, how much more purchasing power did an American factory worker have than a decade before? third_____
  6. What economic event in the 1970s led American consumers to seek smaller, more fuel-efficient cars? _______severe gas shortage _____________________________
  7. In what year did Japanese auto production surpass American auto production? 1980___________
  8. What technological innovation is poised to revolutionize auto production in the 21stcentury? automation_________
  9. What effect does automation have on the quantity and quality of production? With the increase in quality comes the greater quantity of automation._____________________
  10. Which jobs are done in an automated assembly line by robots? automation.__________________________________ _tasks that require heavy
  11. Which jobs are done by humans? ___The assembly of the engine.
  12. How does Hyundai’s plant in Alabama incorporate “lean production” into its production? __They hav implemented _electric conveyers rather than chain driven onesallows workers to key in and concentrate on their tasks. Along with ergonomic devices that reduce strain on. They also have a quiet environment which workers. And finally they encourage flexible thinking among their laborers. _______________
  13. What does Jim Jordan mean when he says Ford’s assembly line have a lot of rethinking to do” with respect to assembly lines? What does this say about how humans mustmethods were “perfect for his time” and “we respond as economic conditions change over time? The beginning stage of the assembly line were perfect for Foand kept making it, until he had to implement new models and colrd’s time as he was able to produce one vehicleors. As technology advances we are faced with different challenges and that brings new solutions and innovations onto changing times as they’re unpredictable and challenging but, they spark a new set of lessons and problems toto the assembly line. Humanity must adapt the future generations._____________________________________________________________________________________