Download Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers (PDF) of your school

Post UTME exam will be here soon. And guess what, you need post-UTME past questions and answers to help you score high in the exam and gain admission.

Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

In this post are the post-UTME past questions and answers of various schools in Nigeria, including universities, polytechnics and other higher institutions in Nigeria. This Post UTME Screening test past questions are compiled according to schools, culled from the past questions for the of the schools.

Please note that this screening exam past questions and answers and does not mean that the questions below are what you will see during your post UTME exam this year. As it is with JAMB, some questions may be repeated or not. The essence of this is to help you know the kind of questions your school set so you can prepare well ahead of the screening exam.

It is important you get a PDF copy of the post UTME past Questions and Answers on various subjects which the students before you were tested on during post UTME exams. This is a smart way to get ready for admission.

NOTE: We intend to add more post UTME past questions. For now, I am sharing only those ones that are ready. So, you can always check back later to see if that of your school has been added.

YABATECH Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF

Download YABATECH screening exam past questions PDF and answers here: YABATECH Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF

UNILORIN Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF

Download a PDF copy of the University of Ilorin screening exam past questions and answers here: UNILORIN Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

UNILAG Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF

Download UNILAG post UTME past questions and answers here: UNILAG Post UTME Past Questions and Answers FREE

UniCal Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF

Download University of Calabar Post UTME past questions: UniCal Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF

EKSU Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

Post UTME questions and answers of Ekiti state university, EKSU: Download EKSU Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko (AAUA) Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF

Free download of AAUA past questions and answers PDF: AAUA Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

Download General Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF

Note that the Post UTME Past Questions and Answers [PDF] is free. DOWNLOAD Free Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF.

Sample General Post UTME Past Questions and Answers


The sample questions below are randomly picked and is only showing some Biology questions. Also, Correct Options are written in bold and/or coloured

Sample Biology Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

Question 1. The muscle cell fluid of an athlete was tested immediately after a 100m race and was found to contain a high concentration of lactic acid. Explain what could have caused this.
(A) the athlete must have eaten food containing a lactic acid
(B) the athlete must have injected lactic acid into his blood just before the race
(C) the athlete must have carried out anaerobic respiration during the race
(D) the athlete must have inhaled lactic acid from the environment during the race.

Question 2. One of these is not a continuous variation
(A) height
(B) weight
(C) tongue rolling
(D) skin colour

Question 3. One of the following is usually worm-like, cylindrical or flattened
(A) molluscs
(B) insects
(C) nematodes
(D) annelids

Question 4. The roots hairs are
(A) strength and support
(B) conducting liquid
(C) absorption of water and salt
(D) penetration into the soil

Question 5. The random way genes recombine during meiosis and fertilization leads to
(A) genetic variation
(B) phenotype
(C) genome
(D) genotype

Question 6. In a cell, the genes are carried by
(A) Nuclear membrane
(B) Chromatin threads
(C) lysosomes
(D) Mitochondria

Question 7. An ecosystem is composed of all of the following except:
(A) Plants
(B) Animals
(C) Temperature
(D) Meadows

Question 8. In a food web, tertiary consumers belong to which trophic level
(A) First
(B) Second
(C) Third
(D) Fourth

Question 9. The primary structure responsible for pumping blood for circulation through the mammalian
circulatory systems are the
(A) Veins
(B) Right auricle
(C) Arteries
(D) Left ventricle

Question 10. The cocoon into which an earthworm lays its egg is produced in the
(A) prostomium
(B) peristomium
(C) chaeta
(D) clitellum

Question 11. Daughters receive their X-chromosome from their ___
(A) father
(B) mother
(C) relative
(D) siblings

Question 12. In bony fishes, the swim bladder is used for
(A) adjusting the weight of the fish when swimming at different levels.
(B) extracting oxygen from water which enters the mouth of the fish.
(C) equalizing fluid pressures between the fish and the surrounding water.
(D) absorbing more water when the fish is about to descend to a lower level

Question 13. The theory that new organs or characteristics develop in organisms when there is a need for them
was postulated by
(A) Charles Darwin
(B) Wallace
(C) Lean Lamarck
(D) Gregor Mendel

Question 14. Ribosomes are found in all living cells. What is their function?
(A) cellular respiration
(B) synthesis of proteins
(C) excretion of waste products
(D) intracellular transport

Question 15. Which of the following is NOT a function of the nucleus of a cell?
(A) It controls the life processes of the cell
(B) It translates genetic information for the manufacture of proteins
(C) It stores and carries hereditary information
(D) It is a reservoir of energy for the cell

Question 16. Plants that are adapted to grow in dryland where water content is low are
(A) Halophytes
(B) Hydrophytes
(C) Xerophytes
(D) Mesophytes

Question 17. What happens to a man whose pancreas has been surgically removed?
(A) the level of blood sugar would increase
(B) the glycogen content of the liver would increase
(C) his blood pressure would decrease
(D) his weight would increase appreciably

Question 18. The hereditary factor of the material for inheritance is
(A) organ
(B) sex
(C) gene
(D) ovum

Question 19. The random way genes recombine during meiosis and fertilization leads to
(A) genetic variation
(B) phenotype
(C) genome
(D) genotype

Question 20. One of the following is not an excretory structure
(A) stomata
(B) blood
(C) kidney
(D) flame cell

Question 21. In a food web, tertiary consumers belong to which trophic level
(A) First
(B) Second
(C) Third
(D) Fourth

Question 22. Which of the following factors is not associated with aquatic habitat
(A) Temperature
(B) Light intensity
(C) Humidity
(D) wave action

Question 23. One of the following is usually worm-like, cylindrical or flattened
(A) molluscs
(B) insects
(C) nematodes
(D) annelids

Question 24. Which of the following constitutes the main internal tissue of leaf?
(A) Cuticle
(B) Mesophyll
(C) Vascular bundle
(D) Lower epidermis

Question 25. In insects, the structure that performs the same function as the kidney in man is the
(A) Nephridium
(B) Flame cell
(C) Malpighian tubule
(D) Trachea

Question 26. Principles of heredity can be applied in one of these
(A) medicine
(B) chemistry
(C) law
(D) biology

Question 27. One of these is not the shape of fingerprints
(A) circles
(B) loop
(C) whorls
(D) arches

Question 28. What is the term used to describe the sum total of biotic and abiotic factors in the environment of
the organism?
(A) habitat
(B) biome
(C) ecosystem
(D) ecological niche

Question 29. S phase in growth curve is known as?
(A) rapid phase
(B) shot phase
(C) long phase
(D) end Phase

Question 30. Carbohydrates are stored in animal cells as
(A) glycogen
(B) glucose
(C) maltase
(D) starch

Question 31. The rhesus factor of blood was first identified in a category of
(A) Monkeys
(B) Human females
(C) Human males
(D) Chimpanzees

Question 32. The division of the nucleus is known as
(A) karyokinesis
(B) cytokinesis
(C) isogamy
(D) isonomy

Question 33. In the mammal, the autonomic system consists of
(A) sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
(B) brain and spinal nerves
(C) brain and cranial nerves
(D) spinal cord and spinal nerves

Question 34. The reproduction of the cell is controlled by which of the following:
(C) mRNA
(D) Mitosis

Question 35. The order of food passage in the digestive system is
(A) Ileum-Cecum-Colon-Rectum
(B) Ileum-Colon-Cecum-Rectum
(C) Colon-Ileum-Cecum-Rectum
(D) Colon-Cecum-Ileum-Rectum

Question 36. In plants, the structures that play roles similar to the arteries and veins of animals are the
(A) Xylem and Phloem
(B) Root hairs and xylem
(C) Lenticels and phloem
(D) roots and stems

Question 37. Two plants with red flowers were backcrossed, which of the following results indicates that
the plants are heterozygous red flowers, where red flowers are dominants?
(A) 75%red and 25% white
(B) 50% red and 50% white
(C) 100% white
(D) 100% red

Question 38. Genetically modified food products have not become universally accepted because
(A) they are not tasty as others produced by conventional means
(B) they are usually costlier than others produced by conventional means
(C) their effect on human consumers is not yet fully understood
(D) the technology can be applied only in developed countries

Question 39. Which of these animals is not metamerically segmented
(A) tapeworm
(B) earthworm
(C) centipede
(D) shark

Question 40. The sterile individuals in the honey bee are known as
(A) Drone
(B) Queens
(C) Workers
(D) None of these

Question 41. Which of the following is used mainly for balancing in fish?
(A) the caudal fin
(B) The pectoral fin
(C) The anal fin
(D) The dorsal fin

Question 42. Octopus is popularly known as ___ fish
(A) devil
(B) jelly
(C) cray
(D) shark

Question 43. The sexual reproductive units produced by mature individuals of sexually reproducing species of
organism is called
(A) sperms
(B) ova
(C) zygotes
(D) gametes.

Question 44. Which of these does not have respiratory and circulatory systems
(A) annelids
(B) nematodes
(C) insects
(D) molluscs

Question 45. Speargrass has an underground structure called
(A) bulbs
(B) corm
(C) rhizomes
(D) taproots

Question 46. Maize is best stored against insect attack
(A) on raised platform
(B) in fumigated silos
(C) while still on the cob
(D) in humid metal tanks

Question 47. Circulation of blood to all parts of the body excepts the lungs is through
(A) the pulmonary artery
(B) Systemic circulation
(C) The lymphatic system
(D) Pulmonary circulation

Question 48. Manufactured food in the plants is transported through the
(A) xylem
(B) phloem
(C) cambium
(D) cortex

Question 49. The genetic make-up of an organism is called
(A) genotype
(B) phenotype
(C) variation
(D) gene

Question 50. A sudden change in a gene or genes is called
(A) fertilization
(B) variation
(C) mutation
(D) heredity

More schools Post UTME Past Questions and Answers are being uploaded: Please check back later if your school post UTME past questions are not here already.

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