Completing Your Degree

To graduate, undergraduate students must complete and submit an Application for Graduation with the Office of the University Registrar by the posted graduation application deadlines, below. To participate in the Commencement Ceremony, a student must register to walk. These are separate actions.

To apply for graduation, undergraduate students are required to complete the Online Graduation Application to be considered a candidate for graduation. Students who wish to apply to graduate but have been separated from the University for at least three months must contact the Office of the University Registrar.

To provide evidence of graduation and the completion of the degree requirements prior to the formal degree posting to the student record, please refer to the Education Verifications webpage.

Graduation Checklist

Note: This is not an inclusive list. For more detailed information, contact your college:

Note on Minors. Minors are not added to student records until approximately a month after the student's graduation date; after their graduation is approved by the dean's office. Do not wait for your minor to show up on your record before applying to graduate. Add the minor in your application, it will be added to your record later.

Canceling Graduation After You Have Applied

If you need to cancel your application for graduation, return to the Online Graduation Application and select the option to cancel your application.

Graduation Calendars

Undergraduate students must apply and fill out their graduation application by the appropriate deadline for the quarter in which they are filing to graduate. Late applications for graduation are not accepted. The application deadlines are as follows:

Winter Quarter 2024

Graduation Application Period 10/23-12/1/2023
Graduation Cancellation Deadline 3/8/2024
Graduation Date 3/22/2024
Degree Posting Late May 2024
Diploma Distribution Late June 2024

Spring Quarter 2024

Graduation Application Period 1/16-3/8/2024
Graduation Cancellation Deadline 7/8/2024
Graduation Date 6/13/2024
Degree Posting Late August 2024
Diploma Distribution Late September 2024

Summer Quarter 2024

Graduation Application Period 5/15-7/19/2024
Graduation Cancellation Deadline 9/9/2024
Graduation Date 9/13/2024
Degree Posting Late October 2024
Diploma Distribution Late November 2024

Fall Quarter 2024

Graduation Application Period 7/15-9/6/2024
Graduation Cancellation Deadline 12/2/2024
Graduation Date 12/13/2024
Degree Posting Mid February 2025
Diploma Distribution Mid March 2025

Winter Quarter 2025

Graduation Application Period 10/21-12/2/2024
Graduation Cancellation Deadline 3/7/2025
Graduation Date 3/21/2025
Degree Posting Mid May 2025
Diploma Distribution Mid June 2025


Aug 6, 2024; Fall Quarter 2025
Aug 6, 2024; Winter Quarter 2025


Graduate Students

Graduate students must contact Graduate Studies for candidacy information regarding filing fee deadlines for Masters and Doctoral Students. Information for degree candidates is available at:

For further information, see Graduate Studies.

Professional Program Students

Professional program students must contact their program office for information regarding candidacy information:

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Copyright © The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. All rights reserved.

This General Catalog is not a contract nor an offer to enter into a contract. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this General Catalog, it must be understood that all courses, course descriptions, designations of instructors, curricular and degree requirements and other academic information described herein are subject to change or elimination at any time without notice or published amendment to this catalog. In addition, The University of California reserves the right to make changes at any time, without prior notice, to other programs, policies, procedures, and information, which are described in this General Catalog only as a convenience to its readers. Fees and all other charges are subject to change at any time without notice. Students should consult the appropriate academic or administrative department, school, college, graduate division or other service provider for currently accurate information on any maters described in this General Catalog; contact information is available at

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