Apply function to each column of matrix for all columns without for loop

I have a function "Func(X)" which operations on n-by-1 single column matrix "X" and outputs a scalar quantity. I also have a n-by-m matrix "A" that I would like to apply "Func" for all m columns in "A" and obtain 1-by-m matrix, say B, as a result without using for loop or any iterative definitions. What is the best way to proceed with this?

madhan ravi on 6 Sep 2018

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard upload your code and datas Jeongseop Lee on 6 Sep 2018

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Here is it, as an example. The actual function is complicated and there is a little room for modification but for illustration I will just define a much simpler operation that is essentially equivalent.

% example for "A" A = [1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8;9 10 11 12]; % definition for "Func" function Result = Func(X) Result = sum(X) Paolo on 6 Sep 2018

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard If B is the output matrix, what do you want B to be for that A? Jeongseop Lee on 6 Sep 2018

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard Edited: Jeongseop Lee on 6 Sep 2018

The actual calculation of B is much more complicated that takes cascades of multiple functions and B is an optimization fitness product for given population A in neural network. But all this detail is highly irrelevant for my question here. I just want a simple, elegant way that is non-iterative definition that applies a function to each column of a given matrix for all columns without iterative definition.

Accepted Answer

Matt J on 6 Sep 2018

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard Edited: Matt J on 6 Sep 2018

There is no general way that is more efficient than a for-loop, but if you are just trying to hide the loop, then you can do things like this: