Trade Facilitation Support Program (TFSP)

Dili, Timor-Leste, trade information portal, TimoRock

July 8, 2024 — The Trade Facilitation Support Program in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region aims to streamline trade processes, reduce costs, and enhance connectivity, thereby boosting regional and international trade. Read More »

Trade facilitation, Pacific, development

June 25, 2024 — The strategy aims to reduce the time and cost of trading goods across borders, boosting trade in the Pacific. Read More »

Trade facilitation, supply chain, barbados, development

May 23, 2024 — We took part in the UN's Global Supply Chain Forum and shared practical examples of NTFCs globally and the private sector's crucial role. Read More »

trade, facilitation, information, export, import, timor-leste

April 9, 2024 — Through the portal, the government aims to make import and export activity easier and less costly. Read More »

The Program

The Trade Facilitation Support Program (TFSP) was launched in June 2014 to support countries seeking assistance to improve their cross-border trade environments and better align their trade practices with the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA).

TFSP’s funding helps countries—particularly developing countries—achieve full and effective implementation of the WTO TFA measures and related trade facilitation reforms. TFSP funding helps client countries:

Key areas of assistance


The TFSP currently supports 58 countries across all regions, most of which are least developed countries. The largest share of countries receiving support are in Sub-Saharan Africa. Support is also provided to fragile and conflict-affected countries.

The World Bank Group has helped countries significantly improve their alignment with the WTO TFA. The TFA Tracking Tool helps countries to monitor and report on progress.