Staff and Administrators (Private and Other Nonpublic Schools)

The participation of private and other nonpublic schools (the Bureau of Indian Education, the Department of Defense, Puerto Rico, and other overseas institutions) in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is essential for examining the picture of K-12 education in the United States and informing future policy decisions.

Private schools represent about 24 percent of schools in the nation and educate about 9 percent of the students. In order to have a complete picture of the academic achievement and progress of the nation's students, selected students in public and nonpublic schools must participate in NAEP.

Resources for the NAEP Assessments

From October 2024 through May 2025, NCES will administer Long-Term Trend (LTT) assessments in mathematics and reading at ages 9, 13, and 17. Additional materials for the 2024-2025 assessment cycle are forthcoming.

2024-2025 NAEP in Your Private School performing

How Are Private Schools Performing?

Results are reported as a national average for Catholic schools and other private schools, but cannot be reported for states or trial urban districts, which are available for some assessments for public schools only.

NAEP also provides information about students’ learning experiences in and out of the classroom, which is collected from students, teachers, and school survey questionnaires. This data helps place achievement results into context and allows meaningful comparison between student groups. This information can be used to inform parents, the public, and education policymakers about our nation’s educational environment.

Use the private school dashboard to see the latest national results in all NAEP subjects for students attending charter, private, and Catholic schools.

EXPLORE THE Private Schools Dashboard

Your Participation Matters

The Council for American Private Education (CAPE) strongly encourages private schools to participate in NAEP, an essential measure of student achievement in the United States.

Michael Schuttloffel, Executive Director, CAPE

Your school has been selected to represent other private or nonpublic schools across the nation. Your participation in NAEP can help provide answers to important questions such as the following:

For each NAEP assessment, a sample of schools is selected from the Private School Universe Survey (PSS), which collects and stores data on more than 33,000 nonpublic schools in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The number of private schools sampled for NAEP changes from year to year depending on the assessment.

What Questions Are on the Test?

Students are asked to answer questions for a specific area and also to complete a survey questionnaire that provides insights on educational experience in and out of the classroom.

Experience An Assessment Experience recent NAEP digitally based assessment tutorials that were given to students at the beginning of the NAEP mathematics and reading assessments. LEARN MORE