Make a personal data request

You can e-mail your request to or write to us at Data Protection Officer, Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission, 150 Upper Abbey St, Dublin 1.

You will need to include all of the proof of identity information as outlined below, or we will not be able to process your request.

We will respond to your data access request within one month. Usually we will send you our response in the post, but you can collect it from our offices either if you prefer.

Proof of identity

A copy of photographic identification, such as a passport or driver’s licence, and a copy of a recent utility bill, must be submitted with your request. This is because we must be satisfied of your identity before releasing any personal information to you. You can e-mail or post copies of your photographic identification and utility bill to us. We will only be able to start processing your request once we receive this information.

Exceptions to your right of access

In some instances, your right to access your personal information is limited by the acts. For example:

Information about other people

GSOC does not have to comply with your access request if it would result in disclosing data about another person, unless that other person has consented to the disclosure. So, if we have a record that contains your personal data as well as another person’s data, unless we have permission from the other person, we may be limited in what data we can give you. We will give you as much of the information as we can, without identifying the other person.