Joint programming guidance is usually released

Update: The Guidance of the Development Employment of Force (GDF) and JPG have been combined and been replaced by the Defense Programming/Planning Guidance (DPPG) [2]

Joint Programming Guidance (JPG) provides the transition between the Planning Phase and Programming Phase of the PPBE Process. It establishes the guidelines and priorities to the DoD and other defense agencies on the development of the Program Objective Memorandum (POM). The JPG document is issued by the Secretary of Defense and provides firm guidance in the form of goals, fiscal constraints, priorities, and objectives. Fiscal Guidance (FG) and JPG set specific fiscal controls and direct explicit program actions for each agency consistent with the outcome and output goals established in the Guidance for Development of the Force (GDF). It’s updated biannually. [1]

The JPG is the principal DoD planning document and reflects the President’s prioritized national security objectives drawn from the National Security Strategy (NSS), the National Military Strategy (NMS), and the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR).

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