Perl substitution: replace and assign

In order to assign the changed value of a substition to a new variable without changing the original value, the initialization of the new variable along with the assignment must be put into parentheses: (my $new_var = $orig_var) =~ s/. /. /;

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $original = "ADC DEDGH IDD DLMN OD"; # # The following changes $original and # assignes the number of changes # to $changed. # my $changed = $original =~ s/D/*/g; print "original: $original\n"; print "changed: $changed\n"; # # original: A*C *E*GH I** *LMN O* # changed: 7 print "-------------------------------\n"; my $original_ = "ADC DEDGH IDD DLMN OD"; # # The following first assigns $original_ # to $changed_ (Note the paranthesis), # THEN changes the substituon on $changed_, # thus preserving $original_. # (my $changed_ = $original_) =~ s/D/*/g; print "original_: $original_\n"; print "changed_: $changed_\n"; # # original_: ADC DEDGH IDD DLMN OD # changed_: A*C *E*GH I** *LMN O*

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